REVISED 01/11/2020
I Don’t Grieve Over His Cruelty.
I Grieve Over Yours.
I really don’t care about him
I know that you think I do but my sadness
really has nothing to do with him.
I know who he is—and more accurately,
I know WHAT he is.
I know that he is just a mirror.
He has simply revealed clearly the disfigured ugliness of the place I call home and the people I live here alongside—and that is the thing I grieve over...and this is not the mourning over a singular loss, it is a daily grieving.
It sorta permeates the environment, the soul, the mind. It cleaves to the air like the stench of rotting flesh after a fortnight in the baking sun..
It boggles the mind, terrorizes the senses and causes fear to the core of your being.,
I grieve when I see elementary school teachers
dressed up like a border wall for Halloween.
I grieve when I see a white woman
screaming obscenities at two Muslim teenagers at a stop light.
I grieve when I see a Jewish professor’s
office littered with spray-painted swastikas.
I grieve when I watch a father of four being tackled by ICE agents outside immigration offices.
I grieve when I witness white high school seniors making a “Heil Hitler” arm gesture during class photos.
I grieve when I see the contempt from white friends when young black men die at traffic stops.
I grieve when I find the most vile sickness on my social media feed, hurled toward people of color and women and transgender people & LGBTQ people for merely being perceived as 'different'. Let's not forget, had I been around I would have grieved over women being cursed and vilified and diminished and pushed to the furthest reaches of society, MERELY FOR GETTING PREGNANT OUT OF WEDLOCK.
Yes, not that long ago either and vilified EVEN in the cases of rape and incest.
America has a SORDID HISTORY of bigotry against anyone but old white if they are little tin Gods worthy of adulation and idolatry and hero-worship. Trump and his supporters only exacerbate and continue that paradigm
and it SUCKS.
I grieve when I hear professed Christian pastors calling for the killing of LGBTQ people as if that would please the God they CLAIM to serve.
I grieve when I see rambling, racist tirades on subway cars filled with families with young children.
I grieve when I see supremacist candidates being elected and re-elected and seeing the regurgitating endless-seeming cycle of hate returning over and over and over, but far more openly in this the Trump era than for decades prior. (ie: Charlottesville).
I grieve when I overhear dehumanizing conversations from old white men about Democratic women leaders, in crowded cafés.
I grieve when I sit across holiday tables and witness bigoted tirades that I’d have thought people I knew and loved were not capable of.
And though all of these things are undoubtedly emboldened by him and encouraged by him and celebrated by him—that is not the source of my despair.
No, rather It is the reality that all of this vicious, destructive toxic filth that we are infected with today—is something you are largely fine with. The rising hatred in America is not alarming or discomforting enough to you to move you to action or to speak out against it.
Oh sure, you might inwardly twinge with discomfort at one or two of the most egregious offenses, but by and large you’re good with it all.
With your silence as much as with your volume, you show me you are more with him than you are against him, that you are more like him than different from him—and that you and I are increasingly morally incompatible as I find all this reprehensible and indefensible and clearly you do not.
So yes he is a mirror and I am seeing you my countrymen and women through him.
That is why I grieve, my friend.
That is why I don’t see America or my church or my neighborhood or my family the same anymore and I’m not sure I ever will again.
Sad to say.
The greatest tragedy to me, isn’t him. It isn’t that the person supposedly leading our country lacks a single benevolent impulse, that he is impervious to compassion, incapable of nobility and mortally allergic to simple kindness. He OBVIOUSLY totally lacks morality, integrity and the ability to tell the truth except accidentally. He is a total stranger to compassion and empathy except for when it is self-directed.
That is a STAGGERING assessment but sadly an accurate one.
However to me, the greatest tragedy this country now faces is how many Americans he now represents.and that he represents you. Sorry, I really thought you were better than that...and he is taking an entire political party to the figurative grave with him. I have to wonder if the Republican party will ever be able to recover, and worse...will America?
Worst of all, it is not just Trump that is destroying this great country. His contribution to the decline in the civilized aspects of American society we used to enjoy is by far outweighed by the contributions of the people who suck at his ass like so many bottom feeders. Yes, the people who agree with him wholeheartedly and support him like idolatrous worshippers who are pushing America over the proverbial cliff are even more dangerous as they will still be here long after Trump is dead or gone or both.
Way to go. What Putin couldn't do by himself turns out he didn't need to. He had YOU to help.
(if you receive this and read it and do not see yourself in it, FINE. Share and stand against the vileness it chronicles. BUT IF YOU DO...see yourself in any or all of the above,you better hang your head in shame for
and trust me HE is taking note of it.)
Sadly the very people who most need to hear this and heed its warning are the VERY PEOPLE who will never understand its meaning. Never see themselves as like Trump (and blatantly so) and never see that if you aren't part of the solution you ARE part of the problem. They will never see the dangers Trump (and they) pose NOR will they ever feel in the wrong for their attitudes to what the rest of us clearly see as a remarkable step AWAY from the values and principles this country was founded on.
(You may share with credit.
SO MANY need to read and heed).
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